Checkout the new Library Incident Report Form .... there's a link to it under "Quick Links" on the right -->
How it works:
- Each time a form is submitted, the information is automatically stored in a spreadsheet.
- The form creates a log of all the incidents occurred for easy reference in the future.
- Administrators of the form get an email alert when a form is submitted. If the incident is critical for all library staff to know, it will be forwarded via email to all library staff.
- This is an internal tool that is not shared with people outside the Library Dept.
What to use it for:
- Any incidents big or small (e.g., student giving you hard time about food policy; library theft; student making you feel uncomfortable).
- Please submit a report to this form even when you called Campus Police and/or submit a Campus Incident Report(which may trigger college disciplinary process)
- We want to keep good records of all incidents so we can establish history for repeat offenders and provide details when Campus Police asks us.