Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Copy Card Coin Device not Dispensing Copy Cards

The copy card coin device is broken and is not dispensing copy cards.  Sophie is calling CMS.

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Thursday, February 20, 2014

Study room reservation on LibCal - pictures now available

Students can now see a picture for each of the study rooms along with a brief description.

In the LibCal Room Reservation page, simply hover your mouse over the "blue dot" next to each room to see a pop-up window of picture and description (see image below).

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Issue with EBSCO Ezproxy for students using their laptops on campus

Anthony Lin on Feb 19 2014 11:12:05 AM

  • Ticket Created
  • Added attachment 'photos.docx'
Patron reports that when he is on-campus trying to connect to the library's EBSCO Academic Search Complete database, the ezproxy link takes him to another college login page. Please see the photos below.

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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Issue with Google Scholar in L101

There seems to be an intermittnat issue with Google Scholar in L101.  There's a message that is displayed if you try to access Google Scholar.

"Unusual traffic from your computer network"

At that point, Google Scholar will block the entire class in Library 101 from accessing the site. A colleague of mine found this article in Google:

I submitted a workticket and will keep everyone posted.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Welcome to the IVC Library Reference Blog!

This brand new reference blog is created to help facilitate communicate and collaboration among all IVC librarians and library staff.

About this blog:
  • It is public and anyone can view it
  • The contents published are moderated
  • Anyone can contribute to it. The posts will be reviewed by the blog administrator before being published.
Please utilize this space to share any news, happenings, issues, etc. that may be useful and relevant to reference services. To post an item to this blog:
  1. Simply enter your contribution in the "Submit a Post to this Blog" box (on right)
  2. Enter your name then click "Submit."
Your submissions will be forwarded for review and will be published shortly.

If you have any questions, comments, concerns and/or suggestions, please feel free to contact Cheryl (x5581), Tony (x5571) or Celina (x5377). Thank you and I'm looking forward to all your awesome contributions!