Thursday, November 20, 2014

Library Incident Report Form

Checkout the new Library Incident Report Form  .... there's a link to it under "Quick Links" on the right -->

How it works:

  • Each time a form is submitted, the information is automatically stored in a spreadsheet.  
  • The form creates a log of all the incidents occurred for easy reference in the future.
  • Administrators of the form get an email alert when a form is submitted.  If the incident is critical for all library staff to know, it will be forwarded via email to all library staff. 
  • This is an internal tool that is not shared with people outside the Library Dept.

What to use it for:

  • Any incidents big or small (e.g., student giving you hard time about food policy; library theft; student making you feel uncomfortable). 
  • Please submit a report to this form even when you called Campus Police and/or submit a Campus Incident Report(which may trigger college disciplinary process)
  • We want to keep good records of all incidents so we can establish history for repeat offenders and provide details when Campus Police asks us.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Reference Desk Etiquette Guidelines

Personal Items at the Reference Desk

  • All personal items should be locked securely in the filing cabinet reserved for part-time librarians. You may take items to the desk if you want to work with them, but bags and purses should be kept locked up.
  • Talking on cell phones is banned at the reference desk. You may talk on them while on your break in an area away from the reference desk. You may text on your cell phone while at the desk, but keep it to a minimum and try to do it surreptitiously so as to not draw attention to it.
  • Headphones are banned at the reference desk.
  • Food is banned from the reference desk, but drinks in spill proof containers are allowed. All food should be eaten in the staff area, away from the reference desk.


Customer service is an important component of this job. While we understand that you will talk to staff and faculty, if you are socializing excessively with them it may deter patrons who need assistance.
  • Social conversations with faculty or staff should be limited unless you are assisting him/her with library related questions.
  • Personal conversations on the reference desk phone are prohibited, unless it is an emergency.

Starting and Ending reference desk shift

  • Be on-time and ready to assist patrons, you may have to take over a reference interview.
  • Towards the end of your shift, finish up emails and save documents. You should be ready to log off no more than 5 minutes after the end of your shift.
  • If you are conducting a reference interview that will take more than 5 minutes, please refer them to the next librarian on duty.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Broken bookdrop

Our outdoor book-drop has officially been “retired” due to malfunctioning. An “out of order” sign will be up on the bookdrop so patron do not use it. Please do not tell patrons to use it. It will be removed by facilities shortly.
Until we get a new book-drop, temporarily for the time being, we will NOT accept returns outside the library business hours. When helping a patron, please be cognizant about the broken book-drop:

  1. Remind patrons that they can renewal items via the library website (24/7) or call us during business hours
  2. Tell them to not use the book-drop, return must be made during business hours

Also, daily newspaper deliveries will be made to the library building back door (one that says duplicating center). If any issues, please let me know.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

How to Place a Hold on an Item in WorldShare

  1. When searching for an item in WorldShare, click on the item title to view the whole record. To put a hold on the item, click on the Place a Hold button on the right side of the item holdings information (see example below). 

  2. Enter student/faculty/staff username and password when prompted. (Hint: same as Blackboad login). 
  3. Choose a library pick-up location (if applicable), then click submit

IVC Library Circulation Policy for Holds:
  • Patron will be notified via email (the campus email) and by phone once the item is available for pick-up.
  • Items are held at the Circulation Desk for 7 calendar days.
  • If an item is not picked-up by the expiration date, an email notice will also be sent to notify the patron that it is no longer on hold.

Students using MyMathLab

Many students are accessing MyMathLab with the lab computers.  The site does not display well with Internet Explorer. If you help students use Mozilla Firefox for MyMathLab, it should work just fine.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Extra pens, pencils, and dry erase markers at RefDesk

Karima generously donated some spare pens, pencils, and dry erase markers.  Please feel free to hand them out if anyone asks for it.

IVC Library Titles added to GOBI

GOBI will now indicate the titles that are currently in our collection.  If you search for a book that we already own, you will see the message "already owned".  Please see the screenshot below.


Thursday, July 17, 2014

Small bottle of Fabreeze at Reference Desk

Due to the malodorous and pungent stench emanating from some of our users, I donated a small bottle of Fabreeze and kept it at the Reference Desk in the bottom drawer.  Please feel free to use it as necessary.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

IVC Study Room Calendar created for Fall 2014

I created the IVC Study Room Calendar for Fall 2014 and added the Saturday hours as well.

SolidWorks installed in LIB 101 - Workstation #1

Brooke wanted to announce that SolidWorks is installed in LIB 101 - Workstation #1.  I also updated the L101 software list:

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Films on Demand link on Databases A-Z page fixed

The Films on Demand link on the Databases A-Z page has been updated.  The link should work from both on and off campus.

Monday, July 7, 2014

New Public Scanning Station on Library First Floor

A big "thank you" to Cheryl for setting up our new Public Scanning Station.  It is located on the first floor, next to the color copier.  I'll be making the rounds on training everyone on the new scanner. 

Also, the "Email" function is currently not enabled, IT is working on a solution.  In the meantime, please encourage patrons to use the USB or Smartphone feature until we get this fixed.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Searching for Course Reserves in OCLC WMS

Please review the procedures for searching Course Reserves that I discussed with all of your towards the end of Spring 2014.  Refer to the screenshots below for a recap.


OCLC WMS - Books showing up as "Not Available"

If you see an item with “Not Available” status (with no additional notes of explanation) in WMS, please ask a circ staff member to check the item status in WMS for more info.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Off-campus database access restored

Our Ezprozy server went down last night.  We received word from Bob Stanley that access has been restored. 

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Reminder: Please make rounds every hour on first and second floor of the library

Just as a friendly reminder, as finals are approaching we are starting to see heavier foot traffic in the library.  Many of these students may be coming to the library for the first time and may not be aware of our policies.  Please make rounds on the first and second floors every hour to enforce our food and drink policy, also check for any safety hazards such as dangling phone charging cords. 

Monday, April 28, 2014

IMPORTANT CHANGES to Library Circulating Policies

Effective June 2, 2014, we will be switching over to WMS and Circulation Services will be implementing these changes:
·   Student ID Required All library transactions will require a valid IVC or Saddleback student ID. No ID no checkouts.
·   Daily Overdue Fines We will no longer charge a flat fee for overdue fines; instead we will charge a daily fine.  Please see the chart below for rates:
Item Type         
Loan Period
Overdue Fines
Maximum Overdue Fine
Books (stacks)
3 weeks
$0.25 per day
Audio Visual
3 weeks
$0.25 per day
Textbook Reserves
$1.00 per hour
Calculators, headsets, marker sets, other special reserve items
1 day
$1.00 per hour

  • The above chart shows the textbook reserves will have a fine of $1 per hour instead of the current $5 flat fee.
  • When a patron's accruing fine(s) reaches $5.00, he/she will be blocked from additional checkouts until he/she have cleared the fines.
For Kaplan Students:
  • They must show their Kaplan ID with valid dates and complete a registration form at the Circulation Desk.
  • Kaplan students may only checkout one-item at a time and for one-week only.
If any questions, please feel free to contact Celina.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Library 101 Presenter's Workstation

We have a new iMac presenter's workstation in Library 101.  Adobe Acrobat has been installed.  Also, we have new iClickers as well in case you want to use them during your presentation.  Please contact Tony for more details.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Color Printer out of Black Toner

The color printer is out of black toner.  Circulation has contacted CMS and the part is on its way.  Until then, please inform patrons that the printer is down.  If they need to print color documents, it's best to go to FedEx Kinkos.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

New Engineering LibGuide Released

A big thank you to Charles for creating our Engineering LibGuide!  You can find it on our IVC Class Research Guides page at the link below in the Subject Guides section:

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Foundation Office moved

FYI, the Foundation Office is moved to A100.  They are no longer in the Library.  Thanks.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Copy Card Coin Device not Dispensing Copy Cards

The copy card coin device is broken and is not dispensing copy cards.  Sophie is calling CMS.

Don't miss out! Subscribe to new LibGuides!

Did you know you can receive email notifications whenever a new LibGuide is published?  This way you can always be in the "know" and learn about the new LibGuides our colleagues have created.

Here's how you can sign-up:
  1. Go to:
  2. Click on "Register for Email Alerts" in the top right corner 
  3. Enter your email address and select "any new guide is published

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Study room reservation on LibCal - pictures now available

Students can now see a picture for each of the study rooms along with a brief description.

In the LibCal Room Reservation page, simply hover your mouse over the "blue dot" next to each room to see a pop-up window of picture and description (see image below).

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Issue with EBSCO Ezproxy for students using their laptops on campus

Anthony Lin on Feb 19 2014 11:12:05 AM

  • Ticket Created
  • Added attachment 'photos.docx'
Patron reports that when he is on-campus trying to connect to the library's EBSCO Academic Search Complete database, the ezproxy link takes him to another college login page. Please see the photos below.

Subscribe to the blog with your email

You can sign-up for email delivery of new posts on this blog.  Simply enter your email in the "Follow by email" tool (located on the right, below the workshop calendar).  Follow the prompt to confirm your subscription.  Now you can keep up with all new posts!

Look for this on the right-side of the blog:

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Issue with Google Scholar in L101

There seems to be an intermittnat issue with Google Scholar in L101.  There's a message that is displayed if you try to access Google Scholar.

"Unusual traffic from your computer network"

At that point, Google Scholar will block the entire class in Library 101 from accessing the site. A colleague of mine found this article in Google:

I submitted a workticket and will keep everyone posted.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Welcome to the IVC Library Reference Blog!

This brand new reference blog is created to help facilitate communicate and collaboration among all IVC librarians and library staff.

About this blog:
  • It is public and anyone can view it
  • The contents published are moderated
  • Anyone can contribute to it. The posts will be reviewed by the blog administrator before being published.
Please utilize this space to share any news, happenings, issues, etc. that may be useful and relevant to reference services. To post an item to this blog:
  1. Simply enter your contribution in the "Submit a Post to this Blog" box (on right)
  2. Enter your name then click "Submit."
Your submissions will be forwarded for review and will be published shortly.

If you have any questions, comments, concerns and/or suggestions, please feel free to contact Cheryl (x5581), Tony (x5571) or Celina (x5377). Thank you and I'm looking forward to all your awesome contributions!